Brick balcony: modern structure and interior decoration (75 photos)

High-quality brickwork with neatly embroidered seams is itself a decorative element of the interior and does not require additional finishing. But if the balcony wall has lost its decorative appeal due to time and bad weather, or is made from used material, its aesthetics can be restored. We suggest you use the simplest and most affordable way to do this - paint the brick wall on the balcony.

Technologies for painting the outer and inner sides of a wall have some peculiarities, and in this article we will tell you how to do this job correctly.

Preparing a brick wall on the balcony

First you need to clean the wall of old mortar using a wire brush. When the wall is cleaned, you can proceed to processing with sandpaper with coarse grain, and subsequently with fine grain.

Small cracks and chips must be filled with putty, and when the layer of putty has dried, it must be coated with a special penetrating compound.

When the wall is leveled, you can move on to the primer. It is important to choose the right paint and primer. It is necessary to carefully treat the entire wall and wait until it dries completely.

The last step is how to paint a brick balcony. For painting, it is better to use water-based paint, since it not only fits perfectly on such a surface, but also has special properties against the formation of fungi or mold. You can paint the ceiling with the same paint, but it should be at least one shade lighter.

Features of surface finishing

For each type of wall covering on a balcony, there are painting nuances that must be observed so that the coating has a long service life.

Polyvinyl chloride panels

It is very easy to prepare plastic ceiling panels for painting. The preparation stages are as follows:

  • First you need to thoroughly wash the panels from dirt.
  • Decontaminate with solvent or alcohol. It is necessary to choose the most gentle composition for plastic.
  • Select a coloring composition. For plastic, aqualac or acrylic is usually used. They are very easy to care for. They are durable and do not deteriorate from direct exposure to sunlight.

Dark colors should not be used on a balcony that faces the sunny side, since when heated, the panels may become deformed and lose their performance properties and attractive appearance.

And you can choose any color: white and light shades. White paint expands the space.

When choosing a specific option, you should take into account the color of the remaining furnishings and the furniture used.


Before reapplying a layer to chipboards, they must be cleaned of the old layer. To do this you will need the following tools:

  • Sandpaper or sanding machine.
  • A construction hairdryer or a specially designed remover.

When painting, apply the composition evenly, avoiding the formation of smudges.
The procedure should be as follows:

  • After cleaning, it is necessary to clean the coating from dust and dirt, and degrease the surface using a solvent. White spirit or acetone is usually chosen as a solvent, since they do not leave a slip film behind.
  • Apply two coats of primer and wait until it dries well.
  • Make beautiful painting using oil and acrylic. Thanks to the oil compositions of the chipboard, the board will be perfectly protected from moisture. But such compositions also have disadvantages: they have an unpleasant odor until they dry completely, and are also vapor-tight. Acrylic compounds dry quickly and are non-toxic. They can be produced in cans and have good adhesive properties.
  • A layer of varnish is applied, thanks to which the slab will be additionally protected from wear and have a more attractive color.

Brick wall

First you need to clean the brickwork using a spatula and a wire brush.

The old coating layer on the brick must be completely removed using a wire brush, sandpaper or a grinding machine. Neutralize from fungus, prime and treat with a water-based composition. By painting bricks you can improve the interior and decorate it.

Do-it-yourself interior painting is done either with a roller if the surfaces are smooth, or with a brush if you have a brick wall

Concrete wall (concrete)

Preparatory work for a concrete wall is similar to that performed for a brick wall. But for painting a concrete surface, take the option on a plastic or silicate base.

Concrete walls must be cleaned of dust and debris and carefully inspected for cracks; if any, they must be sealed with cement mortar.

Wooden lining

Surface preparation must be ideal. Defects should be smoothed out using putty. Such a surface can be painted with alkyd varnishes, acrylic aqualacs, oil and acrylic varnishes.

It is necessary to make the tree less fire hazardous, protect it from insects and fungus


It is necessary to prime with a water-soluble composition. Paint using water-based paint. It is necessary to apply at least 2 layers.

Using polymer putty, you need to seal the fastening points and joints of the sheets

A painted wall looks more aesthetically pleasing. The necessary painting inside the balcony room is a very important stage of finishing. You can decorate and design the walls in any style.

When painting, it is important to cover the entire area evenly

To avoid having to paint the walls on the balcony again for a long time, it is necessary to carefully carry out all the preparatory work, choose the right paint composition and carry out all painting manipulations correctly.

Paint selection

The first thing to say is that the choice of paint lies in its application. For an open balcony, façade paint for stone is used.

The choice is based on three components: the location of the balcony, the characteristics of the wall and surface and the requirements for final finishing.

To paint interior walls, you can get by with any type of paint, since they do not involve contact with moisture and temperature.

In the case of brick, it is also worth considering that, due to its characteristics, it releases some moisture if it has just been laid, so a wall coated with paint may become covered with damp spots.

Features of the painting process

The paint is also selected depending on the materials used to make the balcony. This issue deserves more detailed consideration.

What is the best way to paint?

When answering the question of how to paint a brick wall on a balcony, it is recommended to give preference to products from well-known brands. Then there is no doubt that the company monitors its reputation, and the painted surface will look beautiful. Materials are produced only in accordance with the requirements for technical parameters.

Here is an overview of the most popular products:

  • Organosilicon compounds. They contribute to the formation of a reliable layer of protection that allows vapors formed by the liquid to pass through. The material is resistant to temperature changes and mechanical damage.

  • Latex paint is vapor permeable. It has a harmless composition and good decorative qualities. The only drawback lies in the low wear resistance along with the inability to remove old material when the need arises.

  • Materials with lime as a base are suitable. They are environmentally friendly and are known for their attractive appearance after processing is completed. But when the compositions dry out, small peelings occur, which is why the efforts made are nullified.

  • Polymer, cement and silicate paints are also suitable for brick. They will provide high protective and adhesive properties.

  • Acrylic material will provide a high quality painted surface. The composition does not contain components that are harmful to health. The result is a coating with rich tones. The main characteristic is high-level wear resistance.


When painting brick walls, it is better to use a brush, as it applies smoother strokes and penetrates into crevices better. If you use a roller, the brick will absorb a lot of paint at once, so it will take a lot of time to paint the wall with an even layer with a roller.

A very interesting structure can be obtained if you paint with a foam sponge. This way you can achieve translucency and the effect of ancient masonry.

How to paint a brick wall on a balcony

It's important to know that painting a brick wall may not be that easy. This lies in the surface, which does not give in immediately. Before painting, it would be a good idea to treat the wall with special sealants that prevent paint and dust from coming into contact.

You can use a brush to work on the seams. The structure of the paint allows you to hide almost all imperfections that are visible on the wall.

To protect individual elements, as well as the floor, it is worth covering these areas with masking tape. This will be easier than wiping off drops of paint later.

It is advisable to paint a brick wall in two layers. You should wait about a week between paintings until the previous layer is completely dry.

Assessment of the condition of the balcony wall

Before starting work, you should assess the condition of the working surface. Painting brick on a balcony is not difficult, but first you need to decide whether any additional work will be required - cleaning, leveling, etc.

It is advisable to start cleaning if there is dirt, dust, mold, etc. on the wall. Leveling the surface will be required if the masonry is uneven or the brick seems old, full of cracks and chips. Of course, such a wall will have to be further processed. But if the bricks look solid and there are no visible damages, you can get by with just paint or first apply plaster or putty.

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