How to paint a balcony, choosing a color, what to paint and what paint to paint a wooden or brick balcony

How nice it is when the balcony, after renovation, looks comfortable and cozy. A balcony is a place where you can relax after a hard day at work, taking with you a cup of aromatic coffee or tea. This is a special place for every family member: the husband can hide from the noise made by the family, read the newspaper or discuss the latest football match with a neighbor. In turn, the wife can take a break from cleaning or washing, simply watching people passing by, sitting in a comfortable chair. For such a special place there must be a special atmosphere: one of the components that creates the right atmosphere is, of course, the color of the walls. Most people are picky and just buy the cheapest paint for that special room. Naturally, they miss a lot: with the help of the right coloring, you can create a real outlet for each family member.

How to paint the inside of a balcony

The color and type of paint for painting the interior of the balcony is chosen according to personal preferences. But before painting you need to perform 2 types of work:

  1. First, prepare the wall. Unlike wallpaper, it does not need to be made perfectly flat. But it is advisable to strive for this. It is also good if there are no small holes on the surface, which is often observed on a concrete wall. The paint gets stuck in them and then runs off. And these drops spoil the appearance.
  2. Prepare the space for painting. The floor is covered with newspapers, and the windows are covered with them. Frames or baseboards can be sealed with masking tape to reliably protect them from paint. You will also need to buy tools - brushes, rollers, and, of course, the paint itself. It is not possible to calculate the exact quantity, so it is better to take it with a reserve.

What should you pay attention to first?

First of all, you need to remember your physics lessons, where it was said that a dark surface attracts and absorbs light waves, and the lighter the surface, the more waves it reflects. Based on the above, it follows that light walls will reflect light, and a dark floor will absorb waves, which will make its surface warmer. It is also necessary to pay attention to the location of the loggia relative to the light; if the windows are on the north side, then light pastel colors are used, if on the south - rich and intense shades.

At the same time, each color can have its own disadvantages, since sunlight not only heats the surface, but also affects the paint, as a result of which rich and bright colors begin to fade (especially noticeable on a black surface). But the white color gradually begins to turn yellow in the sun, which also does not look aesthetically pleasing. The color gray and its shades are least susceptible to the negative effects of the sun.

How to choose a color

Finding the right color is more difficult than it seems. When one person does the repairs, it will be easier for him, because... Only personal preference needs to be taken into account. But as a couple or as a family, it is more difficult to come to a final conclusion. On the balcony, the most important thing is to focus on only 2-3 colors. You cannot make this room colorful due to limited space. As for the choice of color, they focus on the psychology of perception:

  • White – purity. The problem is that you will have to wash and clean it often;
  • Green – naturalness and lightness;
  • Red is passion, perfect for decorating the balcony of a young couple;
  • Purple – brain activity. It is better to use light purple shades when making a study on the balcony;
  • Yellow, pink, blue are traditional children's colors, used when making a children's bedroom or play area on the balcony;
  • Beige and shades of brown are classic colors for a balcony, too simple. They are applied if you plan to use many different decorative elements or unique furniture in the future.

What color would be best for a balcony?

A balcony is a place of rest for a person: one can assume that this is another world - a world of calm and relaxation. Now imagine acid-bright colors in this world. Doesn't fit? That's right: the balcony needs light and gentle colors, among which it will be comfortable to relax or just dream. So, the most suitable color for a balcony is blue. According to psychologists' studies, blue color can relieve tension, relax and induce positive emotions. If you want to abandon the classic white or light wallpaper, then your choice should definitely fall on the color blue.

For example, the main wall can be painted a darker shade, and the adjacent ones can be made lighter. Moreover, you can make the walls lighter, depending on the distance from the main wall: your family and guests will be able to appreciate this.

The balcony is an integral part of a residential apartment, so when carrying out renovations one cannot fail to pay attention to its interior decoration. From the point of view of functionality and ease of implementation, the most suitable type of interior design for a balcony is painting its walls and ceiling using compositions for exterior work

At the same time, you should know that you can paint not only bare walls, but also elements of interior decoration, if they are already installed, but their color for some reason does not suit the apartment owners, for example, plastic panels, wooden lining, etc.

How to paint

Painting the balcony should be carried out according to the instructions:

  1. Putty. For convenience, consumers can use ready-made special solutions that are used to level various surfaces. Then you won’t have to prepare the mixture yourself.
  2. Primer. You shouldn’t give up on primer, because it not only reduces paint consumption, but also improves its adhesion to the surface, so the original appearance is preserved for a long time.
  3. Coloring. For safety reasons, it is better to wear special respirators during the dyeing process to avoid inhaling toxins. Or you should do this with open windows and a draft.

Tips and tricks for painting and more

  • If the walls of the balcony room are not monochromatic, try to combine up to three different color shades at the same time. Black and white colors are not taken into account.
  • Paints of dark shades and tones are not suitable for balconies and loggias on the sunny side. Dark walls, absorbing solar energy, will quickly heat up. If the air temperature at this time is significantly lower than the heated wall, then there is a high probability of condensation.
  • For exterior painting of the balcony, choose colors that match the facade of the building.
  • Weather also affects the quality of painting work. In case of rain or high humidity, the paint takes a very long time and does not dry evenly. Rain drops on the fresh paint on the outside of the balcony can ruin the appearance and mood of the owners of the balcony. In hot weather, the paint sets very quickly and does not have time to spread evenly over the surface.
  • It is advisable to tint the primer for the main paint to match the color of the topcoat. After such preparation, areas with a thinner layer of paint will not stand out.
  • During the painting process, it is convenient to paint different areas of the surface with different tools. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to have rollers, a spray bottle and brushes of different sizes on hand.
  • Before work, you need to make sure that the color or tone of the paint matches your idea of ​​the final result. To do this, paint is applied to a small area of ​​the surface. When it dries, you can make a final conclusion about compliance.
  • The quality of the painting is indicated by the uniformity of color on the painted surface. This is not difficult to achieve. To ensure that the consistency of the working material is uniform and that dye particles do not settle to the bottom of the container over time, the paint must be thoroughly mixed not only before application, but also periodically during operation.
  • It is recommended to purchase the necessary paint, primer and varnish from one manufacturer. Such materials are fully compatible, which will have a positive effect on the quality of painting work.
  • Remember to use masking film and masking tape to protect adjacent surfaces from being painted.
  • When painting brick and concrete walls, it is better not to use oil-based paints. Not being a vapor-permeable material, they cause unwanted moisture accumulation. The result of high humidity is damage to the wall material by microorganisms and its premature destruction.
  • The ends of wooden lining require very careful treatment with preparatory compounds and paint.

The right choice of paint, high-quality preparation of the surface for work and careful painting will allow you to forget about updating the balcony walls for a long time. All that remains is to switch to other things. You can now relax on the balcony rather than work.


What paint to paint

When the balcony is painted from the outside, special solutions are purchased that are suitable for all seasons. The range of paints that can be used indoors is much wider:

  • Acrylics are expensive, but retain their original appearance for a long time;
  • Silicone - selected for painting balconies on the sunny side, since this option is not susceptible to fading under direct sunlight;
  • Polyurethane - an option that has average operational and cost parameters;
  • Alkyd - enamel, which is considered universal, because it is suitable for painting any surfaces.

Features of painting various surfaces

Preparing for painting, choosing a paint and varnish material and performing the main work have their own rules and nuances for different types of surfaces (internal and external) of a balcony room. Let's look at the procedure for dealing with the most common surfaces.

  1. Profiled sheet

This material is used to cover the outer side of the parapet and the sides of the balcony. Profiled sheets are sold already painted. Repainting is required for used material that has signs of corrosion, scratches, or if you decide to change the color. For convenience and high-quality work, the sheets are pre-dismantled. Preparation includes: removing rust with sandpaper; cleaning the surface with a solvent from dirt and oil stains; filling visible dents and scratches; primer after the putty has dried. Now we paint the surface using a spray gun. A brush will help in awkward places. The recommended material for metal surfaces is a varnish with a polyurethane, epoxy, alkyd or acrylic base.

  1. PVC panels

Preliminary preparation of plastic panels for painting is very simple. All surfaces are washed from dirt and degreased with alcohol or solvent (a chemical composition is selected that is harmless to plastic). For painting, acrylic paints and aqualac are most appropriate. Without fading in the sun, they are durable and easy to care for. Dark paints should not be used on sunny-side balconies. When heated, painted panels can become deformed and partially lose their performance properties.

  1. Chipboards

How to paint a brick balcony

To paint a brick wall, it is recommended to first study modern styles. For example, if you plan to design a balcony as a loft, then you won’t have to paint the brick at all. You just need to put it in order. Otherwise, preparatory work is carried out first - the brick surface is thoroughly washed from dust and dirt. If there are strong cracks, they need to be filled. It is also advisable to prime, but not necessary. And only after that you can proceed to coloring. In principle, you can use any paint, but some varieties will have to be applied in several layers.

The influence of color on the human psyche

Scientists around the world claim that the colors surrounding a person can affect a person’s mental state. For example, shades of blue make a person calm and concentrated, red calls for action, but can irritate and cause aggression, but yellow stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system and gives a person strength.

A room decorated in orange promotes relaxation and restoration, helps to engage in creativity, but in excess it leads to absent-mindedness. Shades of green improve vision and stimulate mental activity. Purple color – tunes to creativity and removes feelings of anxiety, and white creates a feeling of spaciousness and lightness, but with its excess, the feeling of comfort disappears.

How to paint lining on a balcony

Lining (finishing with wooden slats) is a popular way of finishing a balcony. The natural material “breathes”, so being in the room is comfortable and cozy. But wood does not undergo numerous processing, like, for example, a log house or parquet. Therefore, you need to not only install it, but also paint it. Preliminary priming is carried out, because wood absorbs paint strongly. Otherwise you will need to use several layers. But most often they use varnish, since the texture of the wood itself looks very attractive.

Required Tools

To paint a balcony room you will need the following tools:

  • roller;
  • brushes, sizes 5 and 15 cm;
  • spray gun.

The main part of the walls is rolled with a roller or painted with a wide brush, and the joints and seams are painted with a brush 5 cm wide.

Having a spray gun will make the task easier. It's easy to work with. Unfortunately, such a device is often available to professional craftsmen. Buying it just for the sake of repairing a balcony is not profitable. It's easier to get by with cheaper tools.

Properly carried out renovations will transform the room beyond recognition and give it a special look.

Painting a balcony is the simplest type of cosmetic renovation. When choosing what color is best to paint your balcony, you should consider popular options and stylistic trends. A wide variety of design solutions allows you to realize classic and original ideas.

How and with what to paint a balcony outside

To paint the outside of a balcony, several principles are followed:

  • The color and texture of the finished renovation must be identical or completely match the style of the facade;
  • Paints must be heat-resistant, suitable for use throughout the entire season;
  • You should be prepared for the fact that in a year the balcony facade will need to be updated, since there are many more negative factors on the street, and even the best paints do not guarantee the preservation of the original appearance.

Basic criteria for choosing colors

When thinking about painting the walls of a balcony or loggia, you need to adhere to a number of criteria. Among other things, the following are important:

  1. Individual preferences. To decorate the space pleasing to the eye, you need to choose your favorite shades.
  2. Specified style in the apartment. A harmonious combination of color with the room to which the balcony is attached will create a unified style. At the same time, you can play on contrasts and choose the opposite shade, which will be a successful addition.
  3. Colors of other coatings. If the flooring has already been installed on the balcony and the ceiling has been painted, then the shade of the walls should be matched.

The nuances of finishing balconies using painting

Features of balcony repair:

  • If cracks, chips, or peeling finishing layers are found, then all this is cleaned, treated with a primer, and then a layer of fresh putty is applied.
  • For painting open balconies, loggias, upper terraces or finishing architectural details on the outside, paints intended for facade work are used.
  • To decorate a glazed balcony from the inside, paints for interior work are used.

Compatibility with the base substrate, which was prepared for painting, affects the choice of coloring agent and the finishing technology in general. It is worth highlighting several nuances about how, with what and on what surfaces it is better to paint.

Features of coloring different materials:

  • Brick. In most apartment buildings, the walls of the balconies are lined with brickwork. If you want not to cover it with plaster, then it makes sense to paint it with a water-based composition.
  • Concrete. To obtain a strong coating on a concrete base, the surface is painted with silicate or plasticizing paint.
  • Wood, plywood. The best paints for these bases are acrylic and oil.
  • Cement plaster. The best coating for these types of bases is acrylate paints.
  • Drywall. The ideal option is water-based paints with the addition of colorant.
  • Plastic. Accepts acrylic paints better than all others.

Any surface is first treated with a primer, acrylic emulsion. Then cover with 2-3 layers of paint mixed with pigment. This will give better surface adhesion.

Balcony in the light loft style - original white painted brickwork Source

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