Painting an MDF door: choice of paint and coating technology

Sometimes the interior of a house becomes boring and boring. Then there is a desire to change it or supplement it with something new. Doors are especially susceptible to aging and fading of paint. Although MDF doors are the most reliable and durable, their frequent use erases the shine and beauty and leaves minor scratches.

Such doors are solid and are made by pressing waste lumber, so painting MDF at home is difficult, but possible. And at the same time it will give your home an updated look.

How and with what to paint an interior door made of MDF

Painting an MDF interior door yourself allows you to save money and get a door that fully matches the interior design.
From a huge variety of colors and shades of acrylic paints, you can always choose your preferred color that is suitable for painting an MDF door and will harmonize with the decor of the room.

To give the paintwork the desired shade, you can additionally buy a special color or use the services of professionals. Typically, construction stores offer paint tinting that allows you to get any of 10,000 shades. In this case, it is more convenient to have your own color sample with you. Please note that:

on a large surface, light colors appear darker; color perception depends on lighting - for maximum color assessment, you can go outside with a sample; The finished paint always appears lighter than the sample.

Typically, the program of professional equipment remembers specific tinting schemes, but it is better to prepare the coloring composition immediately in the required volume. Small differences in the shade of paintwork materials from different batches will not allow achieving perfect similarity with the previous version of the color.

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Reasons for the formation of defects

There are a number of reasons why painting MDF panels may be necessary, including:

  1. Mechanical damage to the surface as a result of impact with a sharp object or other material. The top layer of the MDF panel consists of laminated or plain paper with paint applied to it; when exposed to a hard object, the film breaks, which exposes the core of the entire product;
  2. Paint fading, loss of color brightness. This deformation is caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays and atmospheric air, which contains a small amount of moisture. Over time, the coating becomes matte, loses its shine and original appearance;
  3. Temperature changes also negatively affect the external condition of the surface of MDF panels, since the internal structure consists of wood, which absorbs moisture from the atmosphere and at the same time swells over the entire area. When the temperature rises, MDF dries out and may crack; moreover, the glue contained in the panel loses its ability due to moisture, which leads to peeling of paper, lamination and shavings.

These causes of deformation lead to an unsightly appearance of the entire surface and disrupt the overall design of the wall. If these defects occur, you can paint MDF panels after first completing a number of preparatory procedures, but you should understand that painting parts with your own hands at home brings a result that differs from processing with paints in production.

Tools, equipment

When planning work on painting a door kit, you need to prepare in advance the necessary tools and consumables. At the same time, care should be taken to organize the storage of work equipment. This approach will help reduce the time required to carry out work and avoid unplanned expenses.

Set of working tools:

brushes – narrow for painting small parts and medium for painting door panels, roller or spray gun; a container for mixing paints and varnishes during manual tinting - it should contain all the paint or varnish required for the work; drill with attachment or mixer - can be rented; a working container for paint - a small jar or a special tray if you plan to paint the doors with a roller; tape, stencils, sponge - if desired, decorate the door leaf with drawings and ornaments; zero sandpaper; gloves; clean rags; solvent.

You should also take care of the work area - cover the floor with paper, prepare wooden blocks on which you can put an interior door, door frame, and trim. It is necessary to ensure normal conditions with the possibility of safe and comfortable movement both during work and during the period of drying of paint layers.

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How to paint MDF doors

Before applying paint, it is necessary to fill all cracks and cover the door with a layer of primer.

Before painting an MDF interior door, frame elements, platbands, you need to prime them. The primer performs several functions at once:

completely removes dust from surfaces; prevents unnecessary consumption of more expensive paints and varnishes; improves adhesive properties; ensures uniform coloring.

At the same time, the priming process helps to detect minor surface defects - chips, scratches, cracks.

You can tint paint and varnish materials yourself only in one container; you most likely will not be able to accurately repeat the desired shade in different buckets. Before opening cans of paint, you must once again carefully study the manufacturer's instructions included with the paint. First, you can prepare the paint in a small jar for testing. To correctly evaluate the resulting shade, it is better to wait until the painted sample has completely dried.

A layer of primer is applied to a dry interior door. Small cracks, scratches, and chips are covered with putty. The surface is sanded with fine sandpaper. A second coat of primer is applied. Use a brush to paint all the inconvenient places - the ends, the lines of the panel pattern. The wooden product is painted completely - with a brush, roller or spray gun. If necessary, apply a second layer of paintwork.

Why do this?

Many people wonder: is it possible to paint MDF at home, and why is this necessary? The answer to the first part of the question is yes. Indeed, you can paint the panels yourself. But it’s worth making a reservation right away: if you don’t have a spray booth at hand, the result is not always ideal. The coloring procedure is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Painted elements become more resistant to high temperatures and humidity. Therefore, they can be used in the kitchen and bathroom, where they can fulfill different roles.
  2. By decorating, it is possible to diversify a dull interior and refresh the appearance of the room. The shade is chosen based on the design ideas.
  3. Painting MDF panels is also necessary in order to extend their service life.

Painting MDF allows you not only to diversify a boring interior, but also to extend the service life of the product

Of course, this option also has some disadvantages. For example, this procedure is sometimes much more expensive than using decorative films. In addition, the surface becomes prone to fading.

We paint MDF

How to paint MDF doors is not an easy task, but before starting the job, you need to buy the necessary materials and tools so that during the work you will not be distracted by searching for them.

  • First of all, you need to choose a paint color; choosing a suitable shade is not difficult; this can be done through the manufacturer’s catalog. But if this option does not suit you, it is possible to create a unique, exclusive paint color by mixing a couple of paints at once, remembering to use paint from the same manufacturer.
  • The paint for MDF doors is often quite different and it is necessary to realize that it must have both moisture-proof and heat-resistant characteristics. Moreover, it must be strong, durable, and naturally not susceptible to any mechanical action.

Attention: It is fundamentally important to emphasize that alkyd paints and car enamels are now the most popular and in demand. When the paint is purchased, you need to buy the rest of the materials and tools that are needed to carry out the work.

  • Before purchasing, you should study the dye instructions. Since the manufacturer may provide technology for coating and you need to know this.

Tools needed

Before deciding how to repaint MDF doors, you need to prepare the necessary tools; it will not be difficult to get distracted during the work:

  • Roller;
  • Primer;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Painting tape, gloves and brushes.

These are the most serious tools that must be purchased without fail.

We do the painting ourselves

Now let's look at the details of how to paint MDF doors. Speaking in general about the process of painting the surface, I would like to emphasize that at the beginning preparatory work is carried out, after which the finishing material is applied.

Preparatory work

If furniture is being painted, you need to properly disassemble it; it is not at all necessary to unscrew the entire furniture, since it is possible to separate the necessary parts, which are what you plan to paint.

  • If the furniture is equipped with glass inserts (see Decorative glass for doors: how to choose the right one) and handles, then it is best to remove them; this also applies to other fittings.

Attention: If we are talking about surfaces that are located near gas burners, for example, then it is necessary to use only fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil.

  • First of all, the facade must be freed from dilapidated paintwork; in addition, the facade must be carefully cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • Using sandpaper, you need to carefully clean the surface.
  • Now it is possible to apply a primer to the surface, but before doing this, remember to carefully shake the composition.
  • In order to prepare the MDF surface, it is necessary to use a wood primer; if the facade has plastic elements, then they are treated with a special primer, which is intended for plastic.
  • After applying the primer, you must allow it to dry, allowing it to absorb as directed.

Essential painting tips

When the preparatory activities are completed, you can start working with paint:

  • It is possible to paint the product, resulting in both a glossy and matte finish, it all depends on the paint material you choose.

Attention: If you want to take a unique and attractive surface, then this can be done while glisal is used in the work.

  • If paint is used in the work, you must remember to carefully read the instructions, which will allow you to do everything correctly and effectively.
  • By using tape, you can protect critical parts that will be painted in different colors.
  • When the paint and varnish material is applied, it must be allowed to dry, and only then can a second coat be applied.
  • After the paint has dried, all elements must be screwed back, thereby installing glass inserts.

How can you paint MDF?

What paint is best to use for an MDF door?

Interior doors are most often painted with acrylic paint or varnished. It is very convenient, practical and reliable. Acrylic materials are non-toxic, dry quickly and have virtually no odor. If drops of paint or varnish get on your skin or clothes, they can be easily wiped off. The painted surface of the door resists mechanical damage well, and dirt can be removed with a rag and soapy water.

In order to correctly calculate the required amount of paint and varnish material, you need to remember that you will have to paint not only the canvas, but also the door frame and trim. Typically, a standard size door requires approximately 1 kg. acrylic paint or varnish. You will need the same amount of primer for one door.

A very simple method to calculate the required amount of paint and varnish material: look at the consumption of the material indicated on the can and add 10% to it. It also wouldn’t hurt to buy a small jar of putty - in case any defects are discovered on the surface of the door during the work.

Paint selection

Before you start painting the door leaf, you need to pay special attention to the choice of paint composition. There are a number of requirements that you need to pay attention to when choosing a coloring composition:

  1. Choose paints that smell less. These include water-based compositions.
  2. It is important to choose formulations without adding toxic and harmful components to the body.
  3. When choosing paint, you need to pay attention to wear-resistant compounds. The doors are used constantly. Not every coating can withstand intense loads.
  4. Choose quick-drying paints and varnishes. This is typical for water-based and acrylic paints.
  5. MDF has a porous structure, and a matte paint composition will look unsightly on such a surface. The glossy outer layer hides this flaw.
  6. The purchased container should say “high adhesion.”

Important! You need to pay attention to paint consumption. The normal indicator is 1 kg of paint and primer for a door leaf measuring 2000x800 mm.

You can find various paints in markets, construction and hardware stores. They can all be divided into three groups.

Acrylic enamels

You can find a huge number of color shades. The advantages of acrylic compositions are that they do not emit an unpleasant odor and dry quickly.

Alkyd and alkyd-urethane enamels

These formulations are considered the most popular. Consumers appreciate such paints for their low prices and wide range of colors. Alkyd compositions have significant disadvantages. They emit an unpleasant odor for 3 days after application and take a long time to dry. Alkyd paints should not be used to cover doors to bedrooms or paint anything in rooms where people with allergies live.

Polyurethane enamels

The advantages of these paints are durability and beautiful appearance after application. But the high price, toxicity, and unpleasant odor are not suitable for all buyers.

Attention! Any type of decorative coating requires a certain amount of drying time before further work is carried out.

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